My "Testimony" doll was raffled off Thursday night, and she was won by one of my co-workers, who was so excited about getting her - she said she comes from an artsy family and that they would all be jealous of her new acquisition. I'm just happy she found a new home with someone who will appreciate her.
So now I need to get to work on another, for the silent auction at our sister affiliate in another city, to take place February 23rd.
What a phenomenal piece! I'm so impressed! What is the hair of the doll (as opposed to "the hair of the dog"...) made of? Email me?
Yer Cuz, Nance
OK, although I still don't "get" the dolls, I must say she is pretty cool.
Keep on bloggin' and I will link to you to get you some more readers.
Your nagging older sister.
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